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The imperial coat of arms was first used as an insignia of the personal standard of the royal prince of the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and Algarves, created by the French painter Jean Baptiste Debret at the request of D. Pedro de Alcântara, already as prince-regent.

The title had been created by his father, D. João VI, to indicate the apparent heirs of the Portuguese throne, replacing the old title of prince of Brazil.

Very little time has elapsed between the creation of the princely standard and Brazil's declaration of independence.

Between September and December 1822, the coat of arms was topped by a royal crown, since it was planned to maintain the condition of Brazil as a kingdom, albeit an independent one.

Only with the consecration of D. Pedro as emperor, at the end of that year, which was replaced by an imperial crown.

The Coat of Arms of the Empire of Brazil was made official by an imperial decree dated September 18, 1822.

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The coat of arms kept several Lusitanian elements, denoting the historical link that was still recognized with the old metropolis.

The armillary sphere, used since the 17th century in the personal standard of the princes of Brazil, was maintained as the emblem of the country . In fact, the combination of the cross of the Order of Christ under the armillary sphere had been used in Brazil since at least 1700, on the obverse of the coins minted in Salvador, when the colony was elevated to a principality.

As an innovation, it is customary to present the blue silver-rimmed listel, loaded with nineteen equally silver stars, representing the provinces of that time.

Other sources say, however, that this solution found to symbolize the provinces of Brazil had already been used in a work: the cover of the church of São Francisco de Assis, in Ouro Preto, sculpted by Aleijadinho at least forty years before Independence.

See below the symbols that make up the Coat of Arms of the Empire of Brazil.


Imperial Crown


Armillary sphere

Coat of arms in English style


Flowering tobacco branch


Listel with 20 silver stars


Fruited coffee branch

Cross of the Order of Christ

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